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HOME > PERSONNEL > Personnel Policy > Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment of Non-Shanghai Students of the Ordinary Colleges and Universities in Shanghai in 2019
Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment of Non-Shanghai Students of the Ordinary Colleges and Universities in Shanghai in 2019

Time:2019-07-02 Reading:11152

  Shanghai Municipal Education Commission Shanghai Development and Reform Commission
  Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
  Non-Shanghai Student College in 2019
  Notice of graduates entering Shanghai for employment
  All institutions of higher learning, postgraduate training units, committees, bureaus, human resources and social security bureaus, and employers:
  In order to do a good job in the 2019 non-Shanghai students of ordinary college graduates (hereinafter referred to as “non-Shanghai students”), the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
  1. The introduction of non-Shanghai graduates who are in urgent need of Shanghai's economic and social development is an important measure to strengthen the talent market and cultivate and gather all kinds of talents. All relevant departments, universities and employers in this city must maintain and enhance Shanghai talents. Starting from the advantages, we will do a good job in the employment of non-Shanghai graduates in Shanghai, and create a good environment for attracting talents, especially high-level university graduates, to enter Shanghai.
  Second, the relevant departments should further improve management and optimize services, give full play to the positive role of residence permit, household registration and other policies, give priority to meeting the needs of the users in the key areas where the market cannot be effectively allocated and the city's economic and social development is in short supply, mainly supporting the state or The key posts of major science and technology projects in this city, as well as public welfare posts and other special posts in education, health, and agricultural technology in the outer suburbs.
  3. The relevant competent department and the bureau, the central government enterprises, municipal units, and some districts and other application materials acceptance agencies (hereinafter referred to as “acceptance agencies”) shall carefully review the application materials submitted by the subordinate (administrative) employers. And before May 24, 2019, submit the “Registration of the Acceptance of the Agency and the Registration Form of the Subordinate (Administrative) Employer” (Annex 3). Relevant competent committees and headquarters, central park enterprises, districts and municipal and above development parks should combine the actual needs of the city's economic and social development in 2019 to do the selection and recommendation of key supporting employers, before June 5, 2019. To recommend the introduction of non-Shanghai student graduates to support the employment of non-Shanghai students in the Office of the Joint Employment Office of Shanghai University Graduates (informed by official documents, accepted by the Shanghai Student Affairs Center), and submitted to the 2019 introduction of non-Shanghai students Registration Form for College Graduates to Recommend Key Supporting Employers (Annex 4).
  Fourth, all colleges and universities should conscientiously do a good job in publicizing and interpreting the relevant policies and specific procedures for non-Shanghai graduates in Shanghai in 2019. Strengthen management, standardize procedures, and conscientiously do a preliminary review of relevant application materials to ensure the authenticity of materials submitted by non-Shanghai students. At the same time, non-Shanghai students who intend to apply for the city's household registration are reminded to verify with the employer whether the unit has the qualification to apply for the city's household registration for non-Shanghai students. If the responsibility for the preliminary examination of the materials of the university concerned is not in place and the adverse impact is caused, it will be notified, and the relevant universities will be urged to investigate the responsibility of the relevant staff in accordance with the law.
  5. Each employer shall follow the "2019 Non-Shanghai Student Sources for Regular College Graduates to Apply for Shanghai Employment Permit" and Residence Permit Points Guide (Annex 1) and "2019 Non-Shanghai Student Sources General College Graduates" In accordance with the requirements of the “Application for Employment in Shanghai” (Annex 2), the non-Shanghai students who are employed by the employer in time are required to go through the relevant formalities for employment in Shanghai. When an employer signs an employment agreement with a college graduate, it should truthfully inform the unit whether it has the qualification to apply for a citizenship registration for a non-Shanghai student graduate based on the needs of non-Shanghai graduates. The employer shall not stipulate in the agreement the content of the employment rights of non-Shanghai students who have graduated from Shanghai if they fail to complete the procedures for settlement. The employer shall fill in the relevant application materials objectively and truthfully, and promise in writing the authenticity of the application materials. If there is any act of providing false declaration materials, once it is verified, the employer will be disqualified from applying for the same year and published on the Shanghai Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Network (www.firstjob.com.cn). At the same time, the unit's untrustworthy behavior was included in the Shanghai credit management platform. The employer shall not entrust any intermediary agency or individual agent to declare.
  6. Non-Shanghai student graduates shall submit in writing the authenticity of the materials provided by the individual. If there is falsification, forgery or alteration, or the use of forged materials, once verified, the applicant's eligibility will be cancelled, and the personal dishonesty will be included in the Shanghai credit management platform. The permanent residence and residence permit of the city that has been defrauded shall be submitted to the relevant departments for cancellation according to law. The persons who constitute the crime will be transferred to the judicial organs and pursue legal responsibility.
  7. The Shanghai Student Affairs Center shall strengthen service awareness, improve service measures, standardize work procedures, and thoroughly and rigorously review the authenticity of the application materials. If the application materials are suspected or suspected of fraud during the audit, relevant experts may be organized for evaluation and appraisal. If a staff member violates relevant work procedures and causes adverse effects, he shall be held accountable according to law.
  8. The "Shanghai Residence Permit" and the residence permit points must be handled according to the "Shanghai Residence Permit Management Measures" (Hufu Order No. 58) and the "Shanghai Residence Permit Application Regulations" (Hufufa [2017] 89 No.) and "Shanghai Residence Permit Points Management Measures" (Hufufa [2017] No. 98), and earnestly handle the acceptance and related services.

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